A dream worth fighting for

Not going to lie
You never see me cry
It’s hard to talk at times
But I don’t know how to try

These mornings you leave for work early
Those nights you work until time feels blurry
It’s hard for me to be alone without you here
But I could never tell you because of your fear

I never want you to worry
I don’t want you feel in a hurry
When I’m alone I feel ever second of time
When I’m with you I steal seconds like a crime

We both have our jobs that keep us away
The time we get I try to cherish every day
Then the day is over and one of has to go
Only leaving me feeling I’ve lost you long ago

Then I see your smiling face when we return
Like a fire inside my heart I love the burn
To see you happy and laughing at every turn
I enjoy every bit of it before the next downturn

But let’s track back to before these times
When you knew little about my mind
When you suspected me involved in crimes
When you never knew if I was drunk inside

I put you through hell and that’s a fact
Why you ever stayed with me I never knew
But you kept by my side when I lost my track
Setting me upright and helped me grew

I kept who I was hidden away deep inside
Your family couldn’t see anything from outside
The people you knew that knew me worried
They all thought you would end up buried

A broken man hiding in plain sight
A loving woman helping to make me right
I’ll never know if you did it as charity at first
But you helped me get away from the thirst

We’ve had our ups and downs that’s for sure
But we have overcome everything and endured
Now we move forward together as a team
We are working hard to establish our dream

I know times get hard and we can’t see an end
But we worked through worse without a bend
But like anything that has imperfections
It has to be tempered by heat and pressure

We keep overcoming every obstacle
We never give up when one of us falters
I’ll pick you up if you ever start to stumble
You always stabilize me when I start to fumble

Now back to the present state of our dream
We’ve been up early in the morning since three
Both of us working to make things come true
I know it will happen as long as I have you.

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