
Many things in this life get lost
But the worst of all is when it takes all cost
The ones who don’t have what others take most
The ones who can’t get by without needing a host.

You see them every day
You see them as they try and wave
You don’t understand what they went through
You don’t know what it’s like to be see through

That rough man standing on the corner holding a sign
He used to have a great life with a wife and a child
Tragedy took everything away from him without a sight
He sat up drinking in agony of the loss every night

That young girl sleeping on the park bench at night
She came from a broken home where her parents would fight
One night her father came in and beat her out of spite
She would rather sleep on the streets than live in fright

That elderly lady pushing a shopping cart on the street
She had a family and gave them everything so they could eat
Her husband passed and her kids didn’t want to pay for her treatment
She wanders everyday in search of finding someone who remembers her feats

That young man living in his SUV you see around
He once had visions of changing the world pound for pound
One day he came home to an empty house that was turned upside down
Look close enough to see pain in his eyes from putting his dreams in the ground

But what everyone failed to realize
That rough man could balance your books in the blink of an eye.
That young girl could set up your marketing platform in a single night
That elderly lady could make your clothing line go to the top with just a sign
That young man could design you the next big thing for humanity if given time

We all fall down from time to time
Some fall only a few inches
Most fall a few feet
Others fall a few meters

Those that are fortunate enough to have the money will gain those inches that instant
Those that are lucky enough to have friends will recover those feet with persistence
Those that have no money or friends will beg society for any kind of forgiveness

The next time you see someone on the corner begging for money
The next time you see someone sleeping on a bench in the city
The next time you see someone pushing everything they have tirelessly
The next time you see someone living out of their vehicle shamefully

Don’t turn your head away and ignore that they exist
Don’t scold them for trying to finally get some rest
Don’t harass them for being old and helpless
Don’t punish them for having their life in a mess

Instead give them a couple dollars and a place that’s hiring
Instead give them information to a roof and a safe bed
Instead give them a meal and a place that they can check in
Instead give them a pass on parking in that lot overnight

Those couple of dollars you give may make you think you’ll go to heaven
Those couple of dollars you keep to yourself may make you think you’ll go to hell
But to them everything you have is a heavenly life
To you everything they lost is a living hell

I’m not telling you to be a charity for them
I’m telling you to be someone to help this end

You have a home,
They have less.

If you can help or know someone who is talking about where they can go to help, please search out your local Salvation Army, Food bank or elderly care facility.


© Trenton Stalnaker and Around the block and on the bus, 2014-20–. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Trenton Stalnaker and Around the block and on the bus with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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